How To Start A Self Sufficient Garden
With this article let me introduce you to the idea of self-sufficiency and self-sufficient gardening. I will show the principles of a self sufficient garden and I’ll show you how you can start your own adventure in gardening.
How to Start Composting Food Waste in Your Apartment – Composting Guide for Beginners
You’re interested in zero waste living and sustainability but live in an apartment? Does composting seem impossible to you as it’s something only farmers can do? You cannot be more wrong. In this guide, we’ll explore practical steps and tips for composting food waste in an apartment setting.
How to Compost Leaves and Garden Waste in Autumn
Composting is an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to nurture your soil. Let me show you how to create your first compost pile.
How to Introduce Bees in to Your Garden
Bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem, serving as key pollinators for a vast majority of plants. Their work supports the production of fruits, vegetables, and seeds, making them vital for food security and biodiversity. Sadly, bee populations are declining due to habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change. To help with their survival, you…
The most beautiful brick garden bed ideas
Discover the timeless charm of reclaimed brick raised garden beds in our latest blog post! Dive into a world where rustic elegance meets sustainable gardening practices.