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How to build a perfect chicken coop

build a chicken coop

Building a chicken coop is an exciting and rewarding project that ensures your chickens have a safe, comfortable, and healthy environment. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or a backyard enthusiast, understanding the key aspects of coop construction is essential. In this blog post, we’ll explore the most important factors to consider when building a chicken coop, helping you create the perfect haven for your feathered friends.


When searching for inspiration for a chicken coop, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by many beautiful photos published on instagram and pinterest. Some of these coops are so beautiful that I could easily move in there with the chickens. They’re very aesthetic but in reality chicks don’t give a damn about those details. Below we’ll show what you really need to raise happy and healthy chickens that lay tons of eggs.


An outdoor run

Chickens, like all animals, like to spend time outside. It would be beautiful to let them run freely, but there are many predators trying to catch them. The safest option is to enclose the outdoor run with wire mesh or chicken wire. Ensure it’s tall enough for you to access the run. If you have lots of flying predators in your area, think about creating a roof with wire mesh as well. On the other hand make sure that you cover the fence in low enough, so the digging predators can’t get in by digging under it.


Chickens will eat everything that grows on their run. Every worm, every seed, straw and leaf will be devoured by them and the run quickly will become a barren ground. Caring for their diet you can, and should, give them some greens to munch on from time to time. Also if you can, think about planting some fruit bushes or a tree in the run. In time it will give the chickens some shadow from the sun and also provide fruit and bugs to eat.


Roosting perch

Adult chickens need a roosting perch. It serves as a place to sleep and rest. When building a roosting perch keep in mind that chickens defecate the most during nighttime, so not only the perches can’t be directly one above the other, but also you’ll need an easy access to clean this area.


Nesting and Brooding Boxes


Hens need some place to lay their eggs. It is said that one box is suitable for three to four hens, but in most cases they all choose one box that is loved by everyone. Make sure that the boxes are big enough for the hens to lay there comfortably. Also fill it with straw for comfort. An interesting fact is that hens like solitude while laying their eggs, so try to place the boxes in the darkest spot of the coop.


Another important thing when constructing a chicken coop is ventilation. Best options are windows and vents, but you need to remember that predators are waiting, so it’s best to cover every window/vent with wire mesh for extra protection.


Building a chicken coop requires careful planning and attention to detail, but the rewards of a secure and happy flock make it worthwhile. By focusing on essential aspects you can create a coop that meets your chickens’ needs and enhances your backyard farm. Remember, a well-built coop not only supports your chickens’ health and productivity but also brings you closer to sustainable living. Thank you for reading, and happy building!