15 Trendy Wall Decorations Straight From Your Pinterest Board
In 2025 we’re saying definite goodbye to minimalism and we’re embracing color, luxury and personality in our interiors. One of the easiest ways to change your space is by changing your wall decor. In this post I’ll show you some interesting ways to add interest to your walls and to make them look like from…
How To Create a Home Gym
One of the ways to make working out more approachable is creating a mini gym at our homes. Unfortunately we often don’t know what to start with and how to gather equipment without breaking the bank. In this post I’ll show you the principles of creating a home gym so the whole process is easier.
10 Home Office Decor Inspirations For Fall
In this blog post we’ll show you some simple and easy to recreate ideas on how to decorate your office desk for this cozy autumn vibe.
How To Effectively Organise Space Above The Toilet
In this blog post we’ll show you how to use this awkward space above the toilet for either storage or decoration. But mostly both at the same time. Enjoy!
10 Unique Living Room Ideas In Western Goth Style
In home decor niche Western Gothic style is tempting more and more. It’s no surprise as people are bored of beiges and minimalism. This style combines the moodiness of Gothic with bold elements of Western style and creates a combination that can’t be ignored.